Woodford Town Scholarship

The Woodford Town Scholarship is available for students who graduated from the Woodford Hollow School and who are currently a Woodford resident in their senior year at either the Mount Anthony Union High School, the Southwest Vermont Regional Technical School District in Bennington Vermont or any other accredited educational institution.

This scholarship is the former Jesse A. Bugbee Scholarship. The scholarship is a small, one-time financial gift to a student who wishes to continue his or her education after graduation.

Students who meet the criteria below are welcome to apply for the scholarship.

Letters of application should be submitted to:

Town of Woodford

  • ATTN: Scholarship Review Committee
  • 1391 VT Route 9
  • Woodford, VT 05201

Application must be received by the Selection Committee on or before April 30 in the year of the applicant’s graduation.

Purpose: To recognize the achievements and to encourage the potential of Woodford students.

Eligibility: The Woodford Town Scholarship Fund will be awarded, after the review of the selection committee consisting of the Woodford Hollow Elementary School Principal and the Woodford Town Treasurer. The award is to that graduating senior, that resides in the Town of Woodford, and who has applied to and been accepted in a program of further education and who, in the opinion of the committee, has on the basis of high school record, demonstrated the greatest potential for success in academic or vocational study. The Scholarship will be awarded by the Woodford Select Board based on the recommendation of the selection committee. Notification of the awardee’s scholarship will be given to the Woodford representative on the Southwest Vermont Unified Elementary Board of Education.

Presentation: The award will be made at the Mount Anthony Union High School or the Southwest Vermont Regional Technical School District’s Awards Ceremonies.


Donations to the Woodford Scholarship fund are welcome.

Make checks payable to:

  • Woodford Town Scholarship Fund
  • 1391 Vermont Route 9
  • Woodford, VT 05201
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