Select Board
Meets the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 7 pm at the Town Office
Ryan Thurber - Chair
- Phone: 802-780-7769
Steven J Wright
- Phone: 802-442-8634
Wayne Tifft
- Phone: 802-558-8605
Trustee of Public Funds
Posted when meeting.
- Gail Rutkowski
- Ryan Thurber
- Wayne Tifft
Cemetery Commission
Posted when meeting.
Maureen O’Neil - Chair
Phone: 802-447-7284
Virginia Ulitsch
Phone: 802-688-8936
Linda Dovitski
Phone: 860-839-1608
2 vacant positions
Zoning Board & Planning Commission
Meets the 2nd Monday of every month at 5 pm at the Town Office.
Susan Wright - Chair
- Phone: 802-442-4895
Chuck Suss - Vice Chair
- Phone: 802-688-7893
Board of Abatement
Posted when meeting.
What is tax abatement? Abatement is a statutory process for relieving taxpayers from the burden of property taxes, penalty (collection fees) and interest when the law authorizes abatement and when the board, in its discretion, agrees that the request is reasonable and proper. The board consists of the Town Treasurer, the Town Clerk, the Select Board, the Listers, and the Justices of Peace.
Board of Civil Authority
Posted when meeting.
The Board of Civil Authority (BCA) is the governing body for elections. Its membership consists of the town clerk who is a voting member and clerk of the board, select board members, and justices of the peace. Meetings of the BCA are called by the town clerk or by one of the select board members. The BCA is responsible to assist with the running of elections, delivering and counting ballots, maintaining voter check list and to act as a quasi-judicial board for appeal grievances between taxpayers and Listers of value decisions made by the Listers. The Listers calculate the value of land and buildings by using a number of factors with the goal being to approximate the fair market value of the property. Property owners who disagree with any new value of their property have fourteen days after notification to state their reason in writing and file a grievance with the Listers. If still not satisfied after reviewing the information with the Listers, a property owner can file a written appeal of the Listers decision to the town’s BCA and if not satisfied, the BCA decision may be appealed to the state appraisers or superior court.
Elections In the running of elections, the Town Clerk is the Presiding Officer and works in collaboration with the BCA members. The members of the BCA assist with the smooth running of elections and assist with the counting of ballots. Generally, at least one member of the BCA is present throughout the day at the polling place.
Tax Appeals When a taxpayer has a grievance with the decision of the Board of Listers, the taxpayer can appeal to the BCA. The board acts as a quasi-judicial board hearing evidence from all parties involved, and renders a decision. Guidelines for appeals to the BCA and the appropriate forms to be used can be found in the Property Valuation and Review’s “A Handbook on Property Tax Assessment Appeals”.
Voter Checklist The BCA is responsible for reviewing all applications for addition to the checklist. Every two years the board must review the voter checklist and make a list of names of voters to be challenged.